message discussion questions

Each week, we'll share some reflection questions to help you dive deeper into this week's message. Use these as discussion with your family, roommates, small group, or use them as journal prompts!

We've also put together a simple guide for life groups who want to discuss the message as their group study time each week. Click below to download the guide!


Message Discussion Questions

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  • Scripture: Acts 10:1-8

    1. Think of a time when you prayed regularly about something important. How did that shape your understanding or situation?

    2. How can regular prayer lead to significant changes in our lives, similar to how it did for Cornelius?

    3. What is one area of your life where you feel you could give more to God? How might that change your experience of Him?

    4. Reflecting on Acts 10:3, what significance do you think the phrase ‘one day’ holds in the context of change and hope?

    5. What is something you are currently hoping or praying for that you imagine might happen ‘one day’? How does that impact your daily actions?

    6. What are some ways you can incorporate seeking God’s vision into your prayer life this week?

  • Scripture: Acts 10:1-8

    1. Are you more of a detailed planner or a “go with the flow” person? Why?

    2. In his message, Tom suggests that “more” might mean giving more of ourselves to God. What is one area of your life where you feel God is asking for more?

    3. What’s one “regular” thing you do—like Cornelius praying—that helps you feel closer to God?

    4. Cornelius and others in the Bible acted in faith without knowing the full plan. How do you respond when God calls you to take a step of faith without all the details?

    5. How do you remain faithful when you feel like you’re “one day away” from an answer to prayer?

    6. Acts 10 marks a shift in taking the gospel to the Gentiles. What barriers in your life or community might God be calling you to cross to share His love?

  • Scripture: Acts 9:20-31

    1. What’s something surprising about you that people wouldn’t guess just by looking at you?

    2. What do you think Saul’s transformation reveals about how we often judge others?

    3. How did Ananias demonstrate courage in his obedience to God when he met Saul?

    4. In Acts 9:20-22, Saul preaches powerfully after his conversion. Why do you think God chose Saul, someone with a violent past, to spread His message?

    5. What personal strengths do you think you could use to help others, even if you feel unqualified or weak?

    6. Who can you think of in your life that might need encouragement or support right now? What can you do to help them?

  • Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40

    1. Have you ever met a celebrity in person? If so, who was it, and what was the experience like?

    2. What does it mean to ‘love your neighbor as yourself,’ and how can this command shape our daily interactions with others? 

    3. Why do you think Jesus emphasized the importance of making His name known in the Great Commission?

    4. Pastor Tom mentioned that there are many names that are recognized and celebrated in our culture. Why do you think it’s important for us to focus on making Jesus known above all other names?

    5. What are some everyday situations where you can consciously bring Jesus into your actions or conversations?

    6. How can you personally share the story of Jesus in your community? What are some practical steps you can take this week?

  • Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40

    1. What’s the most memorable company mission statement you’ve come across, and why do you think it stuck with you?

    2. What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, as Jesus mentions in Matthew 22:37?

    3. Why do you think Jesus emphasizes the active nature of loving others, such as serving and seeking to rescue, in His teachings?

    4. Pastor Tom shared about the role meals and shared experiences play in building relationships. How can you create opportunities for connection with your friends or family through meals or gatherings?

    5. How can praying for those in our lives help us to better love them, especially those we struggle with?

    6. In what ways can you show your love for God in your daily life, and how can you prioritize Him over other distractions?

  • Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40

    1. Have you ever felt personally inspired or motivated by a company’s mission statement? What was it, and how did it resonate with you?

    2. Why do you think Jesus placed such a strong emphasis on loving God and loving people as the two greatest commandments?

    3. How can our understanding of these two commandments affect our daily decisions and interactions with others?

    4. What do you think Pastor Tom meant when he said that loving individuals is often harder than loving humanity as a whole?

    5. Can you think of a specific situation or person in your life where you can practice this kind of love? What steps can you take?

    6. What is one action you can commit to this week to show love to your neighbor or someone nearby?